Early Bird Rates (before Sept 12, 2024)
Rates Starting September 12th - Oct 10th,
Rates Day of Conference
Registration codes will be sent to accepted presenters
Vendor for profit: $800
Vendor for nonprofit: $325 (501C3)
Log into your account for member options or
Register for UtSTA Awards Dinner at https://utsta.org/event-5853089
The 2024 Annual USTA conference is a wonderful opportunity for professional development, lesson plan ideas, networking, and inspiration, and so much more. This year our keynote speaker is Dr. Jose Aponte! In addition to the keynote, there will be 13 different themed strands throughout the day and 3 different breakout session for each to help you with your teaching curriculum with ideas, demos, lessons, etc. We hope you can join us for a great day that will help you and your students better appreciate science and science education. Teacher Awards will be given at the start of the conference before the Keynote.
Refund: full refund until September 11, 2024 for Teachers. Vendors please see specific info on registration.
email: dmonson@utsta.org